⚠️  Sunset Notice: This service will be discontinued as of September 30th, 2023.  Learn more »

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This is documentation for Bambuser Live Streaming SDK.

If you're looking for documentation regarding Live Video Shopping (opens new window) , see these pages (opens new window)

Sunsetting the Bambuser Live Streaming SDK

This notice concerns the Bambuser Live Streaming SDK, not Bambuser Live Video Shopping.

As communicated to the billing email addresses of all current customers, Bambuser AB has made the decision to discontinue the Live Streaming SDK service. Please take note of the following details.

The sunset date is September 30, 2023. Any agreement with Bambuser AB regarding the service will be terminated effective as of this date, and streaming/uploading via the service will no longer be possible as of this date, unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties.

Customer-produced data will be retained for an additional 30 days following the sunset date, until October 31, 2023. Customers may sign in to their dashboard (opens new window) and download any media files and related assets during this period.

Effective immediately, no new subscriptions will be accepted.

Thank you for your understanding and support. Please direct any questions to your customer service representative.