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Screen API

Bambuser product: One-to-Many / One-to-One

An API to provide custom User Interface Screens from your app

Registration in App manifest

The app must registered each screen it would like to provide in App manifest using the {hostId}.screens property, see User Interface Screens for the available slots a screen can be put into

Example screen registration in App manifest:

"permissions": [
"url": {
"type": "module",
"src": ""
"callsWidget": {
"screens": [{
"id": "my-custom-screen",
"slot": "drop-in"



Permission: callsWidget:screen.write / showsPlayer:screen.write
Context: Main app

Create a custom screen with the view provided by your app. This API should be used in conjunction with the provide-instance event


  • id - String for the id associated with the screen
  • viewUrl - Url to the screens's view, must have the same origin as the URL to your app's main entrypoint

Return value

A promise whose fulfillment handler will receive an instance of a Screen view.


const { screenApi } = await bambuserAppFramework.getContext();

const screen = await screenApi.createScreen({
id: 'my-custom-screen',
viewUrl: '',



Permission: callsWidget:screen.write / showsPlayer:screen.write
Context: Main app

When the user navigates to a slot associated with a screen provided by the app the actual screen view needs to be determined so the correct view may be shown.

Event properties

  • id - The id corresponding to the screen registration in App manifest that should be provided

Event return value

It is expected that the event handler will return a screen view created by createScreen() with the id provided by the event


const { screenApi } = await bambuserAppFramework.getContext();

screenApi.on('provide-instance', async ({ id }) => {
const screen = await screenApi.createScreen({
id, // Must match the requested id, corresponds to the id for the screen added in App Manifest
viewUrl: `${id}.html`,

screen.on('close', event => {
console.log(`Screen ${id} was closed`, event);

return screen;

Screen view

A screen view instance represents a specific screen that may be shown to the user. Its built as a normal HTML page and shown inside an iframe beeing the only view that is presented to the user within the Bambuser product.

As a screen runs in a separate context, referred to as the screen view context, communication between screen view context and main app context can be achieved with a bi-directional message channel, see emit() / postMessage() / message

Example screen view:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" class="bam-ui">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<title>Custom screen</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<h1>Hello world</h1>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="module">
const { screen } = await bambuserAppFramework.getContext();

The page loaded in the screen iframe must load the Bambuser App Framework Runtime and communicate back when the UI is ready to be presented to the user by using setReady(). Until you do this, a loader will be shown to the user


The page loaded in the screen iframe must follow our Design Guidelines and make the look and feel to be aligned with other parts of the user interface

Screen view methods


Permission: Implicit via Screen API
Context: Screen view

Decide when the screen is ready to be displayed, ex. your page has loaded completely and initial UI can be presented to the user. Before this, a loader will be displayed to the user.

Return value



const { screen } = await bambuserAppFramework.getContext();

// All necessary resources has been loaded and the UI is presentable to the user
// The loader currently showing should be removed and the screen UI presented


Permission: Implicit via Screen API
Context: Screen view

Close the screen and pass user futher in the user flow with an action deciding what should happen


  • action - The screen close action, available actions are:
    • "next" - Pass user futher, to the next screen in the current user flow
    • One-to-One Call Widget:
      • "book" - Switch user flow, to booking flow where the user is able to schedule a call for some time later

Return value



const { screen } = await bambuserAppFramework.getContext();

// ...

screen.close({ action: 'next' });


Permission: Implicit via Screen API
Context: Screen view

Send a message from screen view context to main app context


  • payload - The message payload to send to the main app context

Return value



const { screen } = await bambuserAppFramework.getContext();

// ...

eventName: 'hello-from-screen-view-context',
data: {
foo: 'bar',


Permission: Implicit via Screen API
Context: Main app

Send a message from main app context to screen view context


  • payload - The message payload to send to the screen view context

Return value



// ...

eventName: 'hello-from-main-context',
data: {
foo: 'bar',

Screen view events


Permission: Implicit via Screen API
Context: Main app

The open event is fired in main app context when screen is opened


// ...

screen.on('open', () => {
console.log('Screen was opened');


Permission: Implicit via Screen API
Context: Main app

The close event is fired in main app context when screen is closed


// ...

screen.on('close', () => {
console.log('Screen was closed');


Permission: Implicit via Screen API
Context: Main app, Screen view

Receive a message sent from the main app context or screen view context

Event properties

  • event.* - The message payload sent from other context


// ...

screen.on('message', event => {
console.log('Screen message event', event);