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ACCEPTED - com.bambuser.broadcaster.TalkbackState
Talkback stream accepted.
acceptTalkback(int) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Call this method to accept an incoming talkback request when the onTalkbackStateChanged(state, id, caller, request) state is NEEDS_ACCEPT.
ANDROID_INTERNAL_ERROR - com.bambuser.broadcaster.CameraError
ANY - com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer.AcceptType
ARCHIVED - com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer.AcceptType


BackendApi - Class in com.bambuser.broadcaster
This class contains a few convenience methods for doing requests to Bambuser's API.
BAD_CLIENT - com.bambuser.broadcaster.ConnectionError
BAD_CREDENTIALS - com.bambuser.broadcaster.ConnectionError
BAD_SERVER - com.bambuser.broadcaster.ConnectionError
Broadcaster - Class in com.bambuser.broadcaster
This is the main class and entry point to the library.
Broadcaster(Activity, String, Broadcaster.Observer) - Constructor for class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Keep only one instance of this class at a time, as camera hardware must be accessed exclusively.
Broadcaster.AudioSetting - Enum in com.bambuser.broadcaster
Broadcaster.Camera - Class in com.bambuser.broadcaster
Basic information describing an available camera.
Broadcaster.LocalMediaObserver - Interface in com.bambuser.broadcaster
An Observer interface that should be passed to storeLocalMedia(path, observer) or storeLocalMedia(fileDescriptor, observer) to receive callbacks while recording a local copy of a broadcast.
Broadcaster.Observer - Interface in com.bambuser.broadcaster
An Observer interface that must be implemented for you to receive callbacks about important state changes and events within the Broadcaster.
Broadcaster.PictureObserver - Interface in com.bambuser.broadcaster
A callback interface that can be passed to takePicture(file, resolution, observer)
Broadcaster.TalkbackObserver - Interface in com.bambuser.broadcaster
An Observer interface that should be passed to setTalkbackObserver(observer) to receive callbacks about talkback stream state changes.
Broadcaster.UplinkSpeedObserver - Interface in com.bambuser.broadcaster
An interface that can optionally be used with setUplinkSpeedObserver(observer) to receive callbacks about uplink speed tests which the Broadcaster can do while not broadcasting.
Broadcaster.ViewerCountObserver - Interface in com.bambuser.broadcaster
An interface that should be passed to setViewerCountObserver(ViewerCountObserver) to receive callbacks about the current and total number of viewers of the broadcast.
BroadcastPlayer - Class in com.bambuser.broadcaster
Class for integrating playback of Bambuser broadcasts in an app.
BroadcastPlayer(Context, String, String, BroadcastPlayer.Observer) - Constructor for class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Creates a BroadcastPlayer instance in the PlayerState.CONSTRUCTION state.
BroadcastPlayer.AcceptType - Enum in com.bambuser.broadcaster
BroadcastPlayer.LatencyMode - Enum in com.bambuser.broadcaster
BroadcastPlayer.Observer - Interface in com.bambuser.broadcaster
BroadcastPlayer.ViewerCountObserver - Interface in com.bambuser.broadcaster
An interface that should be passed to setViewerCountObserver(ViewerCountObserver) to receive callbacks about the current and total number of viewers of the broadcast.
BroadcastStatus - Enum in com.bambuser.broadcaster
BUFFERING - com.bambuser.broadcaster.PlayerState
Playback is interrupted and the player is buffering data.


CameraError - Enum in com.bambuser.broadcaster
canDisableShutterSound() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Determines whether the device supports disabling camera shutter sound.
canPause() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Implementation for the MediaController.MediaPlayerControl interface, determining whether the broadcast can be paused/resumed.
canSeekBackward() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Implementation for the MediaController.MediaPlayerControl interface, determining whether the BroadcastPlayer currently supports seeking.
canSeekForward() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Implementation for the MediaController.MediaPlayerControl interface, determining whether the BroadcastPlayer currently supports seeking.
canStartBroadcasting() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
This method can be called at any time to check whether the Broadcaster is idle and ready to start broadcasting.
canSwitchCameraWithoutResolutionChange() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Determines whether it is possible to switch camera without causing a resolution change with the currently applied capture rotation.
canSwitchCameraWithoutResolutionChange(String) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
CAPTURE_FAILED - com.bambuser.broadcaster.CameraError
CAPTURING - com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastStatus
close() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Immediately stops any playback and frees all related system resources.
CLOSED - com.bambuser.broadcaster.PlayerState
This BroadcastPlayer instance has been closed and all system resources freed.
com.bambuser.broadcaster - package com.bambuser.broadcaster
Documentation for libbambuser for Android version 1.0.1 generated on 2022-06-29.
compareTo(Resolution) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Resolution
COMPLETED - com.bambuser.broadcaster.PlayerState
The player reached the end of the loaded broadcast successfully.
CONNECT_FAILED - com.bambuser.broadcaster.ConnectionError
ConnectionError - Enum in com.bambuser.broadcaster
CONSTRUCTION - com.bambuser.broadcaster.PlayerState
The player instance is constructed and optional parameters can be set.
COULD_NOT_OPEN - com.bambuser.broadcaster.CameraError
createSocket() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.ModernTlsSocketFactory
createSocket(String, int) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.ModernTlsSocketFactory
createSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.ModernTlsSocketFactory
createSocket(InetAddress, int) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.ModernTlsSocketFactory
createSocket(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.ModernTlsSocketFactory
createSocket(Socket, String, int, boolean) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.ModernTlsSocketFactory
cropToParent() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.SurfaceViewWithAutoAR
Check if the content of the view will be cropped or shrunk in order to fit the parent layout


DISABLED_BY_DPM - com.bambuser.broadcaster.CameraError
DISCONNECTED - com.bambuser.broadcaster.ConnectionError


ENCODER_ERROR - com.bambuser.broadcaster.CameraError
equals(Object) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Resolution
ERROR - com.bambuser.broadcaster.PlayerState
Playback failed, likely due to a network error.
EXTERNAL - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Camera
External removable camera.


facing - Variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Camera
Facing of this camera.
FINISHING - com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastStatus
focus() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
This method toggles focus mode on cameras that support focusing.
FOV_TELE - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Camera
Camera with narrow (telephoto) field of view.
FOV_ULTRAWIDE - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Camera
Camera with ultrawide field of view.
FOV_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Camera
Camera with unknown field of view, or legacy device.
FOV_WIDE - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Camera
Camera with wide/normal field of view.
fovType - Variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Camera
Indicates what kind of field of view this camera has.
FRONT - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Camera
Selfie camera with facing like the screen of the device.


getAudioSessionId() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Returns the current audio session id if a broadcast has been loaded.
getBroadcastId() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Returns the id of the loaded broadcast.
getBufferPercentage() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Implementation for the MediaController.MediaPlayerControl interface, returning a current buffer percentage for an archived broadcast.
getCameraCount() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Query the number of available cameras on the current device.
getCameraId() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Get the ID of the currently selected camera.
getCaptureRotation() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Get the currently active capture rotation value.
getCurrentPosition() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Get the current play position in a video.
getDefaultCipherSuites() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.ModernTlsSocketFactory
getDuration() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Get the duration of the currently playing video.
getEndToEndLatency() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Get the current measured end-to-end latency when playing a live broadcast.
getHeight() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Resolution
getInstance() - Static method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.ModernTlsSocketFactory
getPreviewRotation() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Get the currently active preview rotation value.
getRecentPosition() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
getResolution() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Get the current selected camera resolution.
getState() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Get the current state
getSupportedCameras() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Returns a list of supported cameras on the current device.
getSupportedCipherSuites() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.ModernTlsSocketFactory
getSupportedPictureResolutions() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Retrieve a list of still picture resolutions that the current camera supports.
getSupportedResolutions() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Retrieve a list of video resolutions that the current camera on this device supports.
getTrustManager() - Static method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.ModernTlsSocketFactory
getUplinkRecommendation() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Get whether the Broadcaster recommends broadcasting or not, based on the latest uplink bandwidth estimate.
getUplinkSpeed() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Get the latest known uplink bandwidth estimate.
getUploadTicketForApplicationId(Context, Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BackendApi
Method for doing a POST request to the Bambuser ticket API endpoint, requiring a Bambuser-provided application ID.
getWidth() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Resolution
getZoom() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Get the currently active zoom.
getZoomRatios() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Get the zoom ratios supported by the current camera at the current resolution.


hasFocus() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Check whether the current camera supports focusing.
hashCode() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Resolution
hasLocalMediaCapability() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Check if the current device is capable of writing a local media file while broadcasting.
hasTalkbackCapability() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Check if the current device is capable of receiving talkback streams while broadcasting.
hasTorch() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Check whether the current camera has a led torch that can be used for continuous lighting.
hasZoom() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Check whether the current camera supports zooming.
HIGH - com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer.LatencyMode
HIGH_QUALITY - com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.AudioSetting


id - Variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Camera
Unique id for this camera.
IDLE - com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastStatus
IDLE - com.bambuser.broadcaster.TalkbackState
This is the default state.
INVALID_PARAMETERS - com.bambuser.broadcaster.CameraError
isPlaying() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Implementation for the MediaController.MediaPlayerControl interface, determining whether the MediaController should show a pause or play button.
isTypeLive() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Returns the type of the broadcast.


latency - Variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.LatencyMeasurement
The measured latency, in milliseconds.
LatencyMeasurement - Class in com.bambuser.broadcaster
A latency measurement consists of the measured LatencyMeasurement.latency and the LatencyMeasurement.uncertainty of the measurement.
LIVE - com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer.AcceptType
load() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Starts loading the requested Bambuser broadcast for playback.
LOADING - com.bambuser.broadcaster.PlayerState
The player is negotiating with the server about available formats, and should move on to buffering soon.
LOW - com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer.LatencyMode


ModernTlsSocketFactory - Class in com.bambuser.broadcaster
monochrome - Variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Camera
True if this camera is monochrome.


NEEDS_ACCEPT - com.bambuser.broadcaster.TalkbackState
This state means that there is a pending talkback request you must approve or reject.
NONE - com.bambuser.broadcaster.ConnectionError
NORMAL_QUALITY - com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.AudioSetting


OFF - com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.AudioSetting
onActivityDestroy() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
This must be called from the onDestroy() method (or earlier if desired) to release all resources properly.
onActivityPause() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
This must be called from the onPause() method to stop internal threads and release hardware resources such as the camera and microphone.
onActivityResume() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
This must be called from the onResume() method to start internal threads and restart camera preview.
onBroadcastIdAvailable(String) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Observer
Called when a broadcast has been added to the Bambuser database.
onBroadcastInfoAvailable(String, String) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Observer
Called when a broadcast has been added to the Bambuser database.
onBroadcastLoaded(boolean, int, int) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer.Observer
Called on the main thread when initial data about the broadcast has been successfully loaded, providing some information useful for UI layout.
onCameraError(CameraError) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Observer
onCameraPreviewStateChanged() - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Observer
Called whenever a camera has stopped or started.
onChatMessage(String) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Observer
Will be called on incoming messages from the backend to the broadcaster.
onConnectionError(ConnectionError, String) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Observer
This callback will be called for any kind of connection error.
onConnectionStatusChange(BroadcastStatus) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Observer
onCurrentViewersUpdated(long) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.ViewerCountObserver
Called when the number of viewers is updated.
onCurrentViewersUpdated(long) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer.ViewerCountObserver
Called when the number of viewers is updated.
onLocalMediaClosed(boolean) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.LocalMediaObserver
Called when local media writing has stopped.
onMeasure(int, int) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.SurfaceViewWithAutoAR
onPictureStored(boolean) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.PictureObserver
Called if a call to takePicture finished.
onResolutionsScanned() - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Observer
This callback will be called every time a camera is starting and updated lists of supported resolutions are available via Broadcaster.getSupportedResolutions() and Broadcaster.getSupportedPictureResolutions().
onStateChange(PlayerState) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer.Observer
This will be called on the main thread every time the BroadcastPlayer state changes.
onStreamHealthUpdate(int) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Observer
Will be called regularly while capturing.
onTalkbackStateChanged(TalkbackState, int, String, String) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.TalkbackObserver
Called whenever the internal state for a talkback stream changes.
onTotalViewersUpdated(long) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.ViewerCountObserver
Called when the number of viewers is updated.
onTotalViewersUpdated(long) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer.ViewerCountObserver
Called when the number of viewers is updated.
onUplinkTestComplete(long, boolean) - Method in interface com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.UplinkSpeedObserver
Called when an uplink speed test completes.


pause() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Pause any currently PLAYING/BUFFERING archived broadcast (or a live broadcast in timeshift mode).
PAUSED - com.bambuser.broadcaster.PlayerState
The player is paused.
pictureResolutions - Variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Camera
List of supported resolutions for still pictures.
PlayerState - Enum in com.bambuser.broadcaster
A BroadcastPlayer instance will always be in one of these states.
PLAYING - com.bambuser.broadcaster.PlayerState
The player is actively playing a stream.
PLAYING - com.bambuser.broadcaster.TalkbackState
The Broadcaster is receiving audio, and has signaled to the server that playback has started, so the "caller" knows that there is a live talkback stream to this Broadcaster.
PREPARED - com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastStatus
PREVIEW_FAILED - com.bambuser.broadcaster.CameraError


READY - com.bambuser.broadcaster.TalkbackState
Temporary state between ACCEPTED and PLAYING.
REAR - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Camera
Rear, usually main camera of the device.
RECEIVE_FAILED - com.bambuser.broadcaster.ConnectionError
RECONNECT_FAILED - com.bambuser.broadcaster.ConnectionError
RECONNECTING - com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastStatus
Resolution - Class in com.bambuser.broadcaster


seekTo(int) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Seek to desired position.
SEND_FAILED - com.bambuser.broadcaster.ConnectionError
SERVER_FULL - com.bambuser.broadcaster.ConnectionError
SERVER_MESSAGE - com.bambuser.broadcaster.ConnectionError
setAcceptType(BroadcastPlayer.AcceptType) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Set the type accepted when loading the broadcast.
setAudioQuality(Broadcaster.AudioSetting) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Set the audio quality to use.
setAudioVolume(float) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Set the desired audio volume for this BroadcastPlayer instance.
setAuthor(String) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Set the author tag to send along with the broadcast.
setCameraId(String) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Set which camera the Broadcaster should activate.
setCameraSurface(SurfaceView) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Set the camera surface.
setCaptureSounds(boolean) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Enable or disable camera capture sounds, i.e.
setCropToParent(boolean) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.SurfaceViewWithAutoAR
Sets whether the content of the view should be cropped to fit the parent layout, or shrunk (maintaining aspect ratio) to fit within the parent.
setCustomData(String) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Set custom data to send along with the broadcast.
setLatencyMode(BroadcastPlayer.LatencyMode) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Set whether the player should prioritize low latency or playback with less interruptions.
setMaxLiveResolution(int, int) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Set the maximum allowed resolution for the live broadcast video.
setResolution(int, int) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Set the desired camera video resolution.
setRotation(int) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Invoke this method to rotate the camera preview, video and pictures according to the UI orientation desired by the app.
setRotation(int, int) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Invoke this method to rotate the camera preview, video and pictures according to the app UI orientation.
setRotation(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Advanced rotation setter with support for cropping captured video to a desired aspect ratio.
setSaveOnServer(boolean) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Sets whether the broadcast is stored on Bambuser's servers or not.
setSendPosition(boolean) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Enable GPS and network based positioning, provided that the device supports it.
setSurface(Surface) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Set the Surface where video should be shown.
setSurfaceView(SurfaceView) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Set the SurfaceView where video will be shown.
setTalkbackMixin(boolean) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Set whether received talkback audio should be mixed into the broadcast audio signal.
setTalkbackObserver(Broadcaster.TalkbackObserver) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Enable talkback functionality in your app by providing a Broadcaster.TalkbackObserver implementation.
setTextureView(TextureView) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Set the TextureView where video will be shown.
setTimeshiftMode(boolean) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Set whether the player should be configured for timeshift mode.
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Set the title to use for the broadcast.
setUplinkSpeedObserver(Broadcaster.UplinkSpeedObserver) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Set an uplink speed test observer.
setViewerCountObserver(Broadcaster.ViewerCountObserver) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Get the number of viewers into your app by implementing a Broadcaster.ViewerCountObserver.
setViewerCountObserver(BroadcastPlayer.ViewerCountObserver) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Get the number of viewers into your app by implementing a BroadcastPlayer.ViewerCountObserver.
setZoom(int) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Asynchronously sets the desired zoom.
start() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer
Resume playback of a PAUSED broadcast, or restart playback of a COMPLETED archived broadcast.
startBroadcast() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Start broadcasting to Bambuser's servers using your secret application ID (provided through Broadcaster(Activity, String, Observer)).
STARTING - com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastStatus
startUplinkTest() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
This method can be used to manually trigger a new uplink speed measurement, which is useful for example if the last onUplinkTestComplete(bitrate, recommendation) callback occurred a long time ago.
stopBroadcast() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
stopTalkback() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Optionally call this at any time to stop a pending/ongoing talkback stream.
storeLocalMedia(ParcelFileDescriptor, Broadcaster.LocalMediaObserver) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Enable writing a local copy of a broadcast to the specified file descriptor.
storeLocalMedia(File, Broadcaster.LocalMediaObserver) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Enable writing a local copy of a broadcast to the specified file.
SurfaceViewWithAutoAR - Class in com.bambuser.broadcaster
A SurfaceView which adjusts its aspect ratio to fit the camera preview resolution.
SurfaceViewWithAutoAR(Context) - Constructor for class com.bambuser.broadcaster.SurfaceViewWithAutoAR
SurfaceViewWithAutoAR(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.bambuser.broadcaster.SurfaceViewWithAutoAR
SurfaceViewWithAutoAR(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.bambuser.broadcaster.SurfaceViewWithAutoAR
switchCamera() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Switch to using the next camera.


takePicture(ParcelFileDescriptor, Resolution, Broadcaster.PictureObserver) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Take a picture, which will be stored as jpeg data in the provided ParcelFileDescriptor.
takePicture(File, Resolution, Broadcaster.PictureObserver) - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Take a picture, which will be stored as jpeg data in the provided File object.
TalkbackState - Enum in com.bambuser.broadcaster
TICKET_FILE_AUTHOR - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BackendApi
Author of the uploaded file.
TICKET_FILE_CREATED - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BackendApi
Creation date of the uploaded file.
TICKET_FILE_CUSTOM_DATA - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BackendApi
Arbitrary data stored along with the file.
TICKET_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BackendApi
Name of the file which will be uploaded.
TICKET_FILE_POS_ACCURACY - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BackendApi
Geo-position accuracy (meters, decimal) of the provided position.
TICKET_FILE_POS_LAT - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BackendApi
Geo-position latitude (degrees, decimal) of the uploaded file.
TICKET_FILE_POS_LON - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BackendApi
Geo-position longitude (degrees, decimal) of the uploaded file.
TICKET_FILE_TITLE - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BackendApi
Short free-text title of the uploaded file, analogous to the title for a Bambuser broadcast.
TICKET_FILE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.BackendApi
Type of the file which will be uploaded.
toggleTorch() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster
Toggle the torch on/off
toString() - Method in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Resolution


uncertainty - Variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.LatencyMeasurement
The total clock synchronization uncertainty, in milliseconds.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.AudioSetting
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer.AcceptType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer.LatencyMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.CameraError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.ConnectionError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.PlayerState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.TalkbackState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.AudioSetting
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer.AcceptType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastPlayer.LatencyMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.BroadcastStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.CameraError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.ConnectionError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.PlayerState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.bambuser.broadcaster.TalkbackState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
videoResolutions - Variable in class com.bambuser.broadcaster.Broadcaster.Camera
List of supported camera resolutions for continuous preview and video capture.


WRITE_FAILED - com.bambuser.broadcaster.ConnectionError
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